Friday, August 17, 2012

Chaotic Circuits

Ian Fritz has a number of chaotic circuits on his page that look really interesting.  I thought I would start with one of the simpler ones.  This is my drawing of the Driven Damped Well chaotic oscillator.  Unfortunately this does not seem to make any sound when I power it on so I need to trouble shoot it.

Update: I did some trouble shooting but it still does not behave as expected. (chaotically) it seems to be passing the original sound to the output.  I am monitoring the NL output so I think I will switch over to the X output.

Update 2: I did more trouble shooting and switched the output to X and now it does indeed behave chaotically although in a not very usable fashion at the moment.  One thing I love about chaotic systems is that they depend on prior initial conditions.  So as you turn the knobs the circuit may not be making any sound, then you pass a point and here a blip, as you tweak around the blip you gradually bring it into oscillation.  Suddenly the oscillation goes away and you get silence again.

I have been feeding the output of an Atari Punk Console in to drive this circuit.  At some settings it has been making some overtones and clicks but they are difficult to find.

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