Sunday, March 24, 2013

Very Strange Filter 2

I decided to put this into a case.  I get these boxes at Office Max for about $1.50.  They drill out pretty easily with the Dremel dry wall attachment.  Have all the hardware attached at this point but still need to add the wires.

The top of the box.

This shows the circuit board in the box.  No wires attached yet but all of the components are in place.  This is basically a three part filter.  Probably a bit silly of me to make this without breadboarding it first since I don't really know what it will sound like.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Created some sound in Csound based on this video I found on Youtube: 

;-RWfo pendula.wav
; Pendula
; Inspired by Youtube video of pendulums of various lengths like this one 
; Hans Mikelson March 2013
sr = 44100 ; Sample rate
kr = 44100 ; Kontrol rate
ksmps = 1 ; Samples/Kontrol period This must be 1 to make sure to update time appropriately
nchnls = 2 ; Normal stereo
; Pendula
instr 50
idur = p3 ; Duration
iamp = p4  ; Amplitude
il0 = p5  ; Length of pendulum
ib = p6  ; Damping factor for pendulum (smaller damping will ring longer)
ig = p7  ; Gravity
kdclk linseg 0, .005, 1, idur-.01, 1, .005, 0
atime init 0  ; Need to start time at 0
atime = atime + .1  ; Time is incremented each sample
ialpha0 = ib/2/il0 ; Calculate alpha exponential decay factor
aamp0 = 1*exp(-ialpha0*atime) ; Calculate exponetial decay
aout0 = aamp0*cos(sqrt(ig/il0-ib/il0/il0)*atime) ; Calculate the oscillator times amplitude
apan = .5 + aout0/2
outs aout0*iamp*apan*kdclk, aout0*iamp*(1-apan)*kdclk ; Amplify and output
;outs aout0*iamp*sqrt(apan)*kdclk, aout0*iamp*sqrt(1-apan)*kdclk ; Amplify and output
;outs aout0*iamp*kdclk, -aout0*iamp*kdclk ; Amplify and output
f1 0 65536 10 1
; Pendula
; Sta Dur Amp PendL Damp Gravity
i50 0.0 10 3000  100 0.02 9.81
i50 . . .  90  . .
i50 . . .  80 . .
i50 . . .  70 . .
i50 . . .  60  . .
i50 . . .  50  . .
i50 . . .  40 . .
i50 . . .  30 . .
i50 . . .  20 . .
i50 . . .  10  . .
; Pendula
; Sta Dur Amp PendL Damp Gravity
i50 10.0 10 3000  100 0.02 9.81
i50 . . .  95  . .
i50 . . .  90 . .
i50 . . .  85 . .
i50 . . .  80  . .
i50 . . .  75  . .
i50 . . .  70 . .
i50 . . .  65 . .
i50 . . .  60 . .
i50 . . .  55  . .
; Pendula
; Sta Dur Amp PendL Damp Gravity
i50 20.0 5 3000  200 0.1 9.81
i50 . . .  100  . .
i50 . . .  50 . .
i50 . . .  25 . .
i50 . . .  12  . .
i50 . . .  6  . .
; Pendula
; Sta Dur Amp PendL Damp Gravity
i50 25.0 5 3000  100 0.05 9.81
i50 . . .  90  . .
i50 . . .  81 . .
i50 . . .  73 . .
i50 . . .  66  . .
i50 . . .  59  . .
i50 . . .  53 . .
i50 . . .  48 . .
i50 . . .  43 . .
i50 . . .  39  . .

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Planar Crystal Live Rig

My planar Crystal live rig consisting of Waldorf Pulse processed by Lexicon Vortex, Korg MS2000, MPC500 for sampling and sequencing, Thing 2 and Sequencer processed by Kaoss Pad.  Midi clock originates with MPC500 and controls arpeggiator speed on MS2k, Pulse, and KP3. I used Velcro to connect the Vortex to the pulse.